Marriage counselling / Couple counselling sessions:

IMAGO Therapy Sessions are perfect for couples to attend together.  There is no need for initial separate consultations, as I work with both parties (together) from the first session.  However, if the couple's wants to come see me separately, I am more than happy to see them individually.  Please let me know what your needs are.


For an appointment please phone SUSAN on 076 051 1455 or send an e-mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


The first Imago session is slightly longer than 90 minutes. The duration of follow up sessions is one and a half hours, and I see the couple once a week.  Please enqiure about the price.


Marriagemax is not contracted in to medical aids and every session has to be paid in full on the day of the session.  The first appointment needs to be paid in CASH and follow up sessions can either be paid in cash or via EFT.  Please enquire about banking details.  An invoice will be issued which can be used by the couple to claim fees back from your medical aid (if the medical aid plan makes provision for psychological services).  Please make sure about the benefits of your medical aid plan.


Virtual meetings can be arranged, but if you desire in-person sessions and If you travel from far-off or if there are time constraints, more than one session per day can be arranged.


Because every relationship is different and the problem differs from couple to couple, it is difficult to estimate how many sessions are needed to bring change and re-connection in the relationship.  However, experience has taught me that seven to eight sessions of regular counselling can bring a significant change.  If there are addictions, affairs or a pending divorce impacting the relationship, more sessions might be needed to transform the relationship to a more connected space.


 Pre-marital Sessions



Preparing for a wedding is merely the beginning of preparing for a marriage. Whether you are in a committed relationship, planning your big day, halfway through or finished paying lobola, engaged or just gotten married, this type of counselling is for you. Often, couples are too busy preparing themselves to be the groom and bride that they overlook preparing to be husband and wife. As much as wedding preparations take time and effort, so does marriage preparation. A good marriage needs a solid foundation. The best time to start pre-marital counselling is when you and your partner are starting to think about marital commitment.

Couples planning on getting married but want to start their married life with a healthy, connected relationship is one of the issues I serve which brings me much joy. I take the premarital couple through a program of seven sessions where we work on communication, relationship vision, love languages, sexuality, conflict resolution and other individual issues that are important to the couple. Fees can be claimed back from your medical aid.

Alternatively, this seven session program can be taken as a weekend workshop where premarital couples come together to journey towards A NEW WAY TO LOVE.

This is an investment both of you will benefit from and your marriage can be build on a far more solid foundation where you are mentally and emotionally prepared for life together as husband and wife.

Whether it is your first marriage, your second or your third… it is never too early or too late to acquire the skills needed to have a fulfilling, connected and loving relationship.

 ssues that can be addressed both in pre-marital and marriage counselling, include:

Some of the issues I address as a Certified Imago relationship Therapist is Communication, Connection, Sexuality, Re-romanticising your relationship, Dreams, wishes, goals and ambitions, Love Languages, Trust  or mistrust/ broken trust, Romance and fun in the relationship. Also Affairs, Finances, Family of origen and childhood issues as well as The influence of Addictions and recovery from addictions on relationships.  Further, if the need arises, we can arrange family meetings where there might be, amongst others, Issues with in-laws, Issues with external factors impacting the relationship.  Other issues I serve is Berievement, grief and loss, Contemplation of Separation, Illness and its effects on a relationship. All of these can be facilitated through Therapy.

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